Children of Faith Preschool
Carpool Reminder: Rules exist to help us keep everyone as safe as possible. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE U-TURNS or TURN AROUND IN THE CARPOOL LINE! If time is of the essence, please come inside to pick up your son or daughter.
Covid-19 Policy Update:
Children of Faith Preschool's policies reflect the recent changes recommended by the NC DHHS and the CDC. We will no longer do formal contact tracing. Children/ Staff who have symptoms should stay home. Persons with COVID-19 must be excluded for five days and can return if they are fever free without fever reducing medications for 24 hours, all other symptoms have improved, and they wear a mask for an additional 5 days to minimize risk of infecting others.
Flu/ Cold Season:
Please help us keep everyone healthy by keeping your child home if they are displaying any of the following: fever, diarrhea, drainage that’s not clear, or unidentifiable skin rashes. Children must be symptom free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning and all other symptoms have improved.
Nut Free Zone:
COF Preschool is a nut free zone. This includes all nuts, nut spreads, and butters!
Arrival/ Departure:
Hours of operation are 9am-1pm (doors will open at 8:55am). Pick-up is no later than 1pm.
*Late fees will be applicable
Current Parents, please join us on Facebook @ Children of Faith Preschool- Indian Trail, NC.
A Few Reminders:
Tuition is due by the 5th of each month. Checks are made payable to FUMC.
Please do not park on the street side of the church in the afternoons, as we have a car rider line for two of our Fours classes. Street congestion is heavy on the street with cars pulling in and out of the parking lot.
Drop Off is at 8:55am and Pick-Up is at 1:00pm. Late pick-up is subject to a fee. Please see the Parent Handbook for the late fee schedule.
Please remember to keep a change of clothes for your child in their backpack.
Please write your child’s name on their items (sippy cups, lunch bags, etc.).
The best shoe for your child is closed-toe. We go on the playground every day, and mulch can cause splinters on bare feet. Also, flip flops are hard to run in…and we want the children to be able to run around on the playground!
You can link our school to Harris Teeter VIC cards! Our number is 8652. You can either go online at www.harristeeter.com or sign up at your Harris Teeter store.
Thank you so much for sharing your children with us. It is a blessing and a privilege to have your children with us this year. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
God's Blessings,
Sonya Russ